For 40 Maseratis, 3,000 Marlenes could be helped
15 December 2018
Thanks to these readers, Marlene Potoura has been enabled to....
- move to a better and safer place
- take her kids on a Christmas outing
- mobilise her new learning centre
- visit her family in Bougainville for the first time in 14 years
- meet the man who killed her father
- gather material & photographs for her forthcoming memoir
- better pursue her avocation as a writer
Allan Kidston; Craig Coolum; Ross Wilkinson; Anonymous; Norm Wilson; Simon & Bea Ellis; Janis Roberts; Bob Cleland; Frank Alcorta; Dan & Judy Duggan; Max Uechtritz; Michael Main; Geoffrey Hancock; Bill Brown MBE; Alex Harris; Rick Nehmy; Deborah Ruiz Wall; Paul Munro; Gary Tongs; Joe Herman; Chris Overland; Col Young; Anne-Marie & Peter Smith; Paul Oates; John in Adelaide; Murray & Joan Bladwell; John Bennett; Betty, Nikitta & Valesca Kagl; Bill Welbourne; David Ransom; Ed Brumby; Jo Holman; Lindsay Bond; Jan MacIntyre; Phil Fitzpatrick; Elissa Roper; Robin Lillicrapp; Tess Newton Cain; Keith Jackson AM
There are many Marlenes in Papua New Guinea. They are the ordinary people who, in large measure, have been abandoned by their own government - a malodorous government fawned upon by people and institutions who should know better, including the government of Australia.
PNG Attitude has been able to help only Marlene and her two children. Targeted assistance for the fraction of the cost of a Maserati.
We hope that, before too long, those in positions of authority where they can assist change the lives of many of the fine and hospitable people of PNG will begin to fully realise their responsibilities.
You know who you are. Perhaps you can start now. This Christmas.
Not within scope of 40 days, yet not within hope of 40 knights, Maseratis now loosed like wildebeests?
So whose gnus?
Posted by: Lindsay F Bond | 18 December 2018 at 08:40 AM