Expert team is working on alternate government policies
29 May 2019
PORT MORESBY - I know that a lot of people in Papua New Guinea and beyond are asking what the Alternate Government's policies will be.
It’s important to understand that we need to get into government, and that’s whereof our energy is going.
Any policy discussion at this stage is just hypothetical until the Alternate Government takes control of government.
So let’s put the horse before the cart: (1) form government; (2) announce policy.
Having said that, the Alternate Government does have a hard-working policy group led by Professor Misty Baloiloi.
Professor Baloiloi, who holds a PhD in strategic management, is chief of staff for the opposition and has over 30 years’ experience in university, public and private sectors, providing leadership in framing a number of PNG’s most important policies and plans.
This group is also receiving expert advice from a panel of eminent persons including former prime minister Sir Mekere Morauta, former chief justice and attorney-general Sir Arnold Amet and former police commissioner and chief ombudsman Sir Ila Geno.
Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare has also sat in during our policy meetings and has given his advice and blessings to the policy team.
It is also backed by a team of experts from the Australia National University and it’s supported by party officials from the Alternate Government’s coalition partners.
I can assure you that everyone is working tirelessly to set the agenda for the new government.
Papua New Guineans can be confident that their Alternate Government will save PNG from O'Neill's mess.
For God and for Country! #TakeBackPNG
Loyalty to nation’s constituents and the national constitution is a value of immense worth.
Envisage policy where lives count on it.
Posted by: Lindsay F Bond | 29 May 2019 at 12:36 PM
Wasn't Misty Baloiloi involved in some sort of kerfuffle at Unitech before Albert Schram took over as vice-chancellor in 2012?
As I understand it the long term vice-chancellor was accused of misappropriation but he was acquitted and the charges were thrown out of court.
Having gone through that sort of crap he is probably well qualified to advise the opposition on how to deal with people like O'Neill.
Posted by: Philip Fitzpatrick | 29 May 2019 at 08:09 AM