Tambu Meri in Kieta Way
23 July 2019
| An entry in the Crocodile Prize Poetry Award
You might wonder why your mother in-law never sits next to you,
That's 'tambu meri' in Kieta Way.
You might wonder why your mother in-law never calls your name,
That's 'tambu meri' in Kieta Way.
You might wonder why your mother in-law never talks to you face to face,
That's 'tambu meri' in Kieta Way
You might wonder why your mother in-law never shakes hands with you,
That's 'tambu meri' in Kieta way.
You might wonder why I have to say this,
Save lo Kieta wei bifo yu tingting lo maritim meri Kieta.
['Understand Kieta culture before you marry a Kieta woman']
This poem is obviously aimed at men.
Mother-in-law avoidance is very common in many societies but it is usually men who aren't allowed to interact with their mothers-in-law.
It's very common in Aboriginal groups in Australia.
I've often wondered why it doesn't work for women though.
Posted by: Philip Fitzpatrick | 23 July 2019 at 10:31 AM