They Were There (when the war came)
24 August 2019
| An entry in the Crocodile Prize Award for Poetry
There were planters
There were traders
They were there
When the war came
There were administrators
There were commanders
They were there
When the war came
There were missionaries
There were mercenaries
They were there
When the war came
There were explorers
There were prospectors
They were there
When the war came
There were civilians
There were Territorians
They were there
When the war came
There were diggers
There were soldiers
They were there
When the war came
There were carriers
There were watchers
They were there
When the war came
There were natives
There were primitives
They were there
When the war came
There were men
There were women
They were there
When the war came
There were teens
There were children
They were there
When the war came
There were villages
There were hamlets
That were there
When the war came
There were armaments
There were bombardments
That were there
When the war came
There were executions
There were prisons
That were there
When the war came
There was destruction
There was starvation
That were there
When the war came
They were on one side
We were on one side
We were together
When the war came
There were casualties
There was mortality
They were there
When the war came
There were honours
There was remorse
They were there
When the war came
Histories were written
Stories were forgotten
They all happened
After the war came
It was all there
They were all there
When the war came
We remember just the same