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I am Time

Justin Kundalin
Justin Kundalin and Justin Kundalin Jr


I respect no man
No man can compete with me
No man can bribe to have me more
I distribute me equally to all men

No man can keep me in prison
I fly while men walk
I am irrevocable if squandered
Those who master me succeed

People run seminars on me
People discuss & ponder me
People writer books about me
I know no nepotism or favouritism

I am a priority to so many people
Those who nurture me are blessed
People regret they squander me
Yet I never complain, because

I owe no man
No man can own me
There’s no auction
None can lend me

I am Time


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Philip Kai Morre

Time is infinite and we have to appreciate the precious moment of our lives in doing something good.

Time is a resource which most of use can not comprehend the value.

Time is measured in quality and quantity. We cannot feel, smell, hear, or see time but when the sun rises from the east and sinks in the west, time is moving.

We cannot stop time, or hold back darkness until we finish some work.

When we exist in a given space and time, we have to appreciate that life is so precious and when we die we are born to eternal life.

Kenan John

Impossible to defeat, destroy or kill; too powerful to be defeated or overcome. Indeed, time is invincible.
Brother, we need more of it.....πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Justin Kundalin

Thanks my brothers for your comments.

Alphonse Mek

Very inspiring, my brother. Keep writing.

Porap Gai

My brother looking great with son Junior Justin. The father like son. We want more such poems from you Justin.

Bernard Corden

"Tickin' away the moments that make up a dull day" - Pink Floyd

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