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Kiaps swapped glory for gold

Hello from ADELE-aide

Samantha kusariSAMANTHA KUSARI

ADELAIDE - I attributed my desire to study in Adelaide to one of my favorite British singers Adele.

I think there is a striking resemblance between her songs and the place Adelaide, apart from the name of course.

Adele sings beautifully. She’s got the voice of an angel and she sings heartbreaking songs. I wonder why such a beautiful woman like her sings sad songs! Does her heart really get broken or are they just songs?

Just like the beautiful Adele herself, Adelaide is well, B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L.

It is very calm and peaceful and more flexible with a multicultural community, and everywhere I go there is an atmosphere of friendliness.

Is everything ‘ADEL’ beautiful, calm and captivating? I remember coming across someone with the name Adela and she was warm, beautiful and had a very friendly nature.

So my very first photo in Adelaide that I uploaded on Facebook had the caption ‘HELLO from ADELE-aide’. HELLO is one of Adele’s songs. That was the first song that captured my heart and got me hooked to her. I became a fan after listening to that song.

Adelaide is known as the city of churches because you find a church on almost every street corner. It is also a city of festivals and Victoria Square is the hub of the excitement.

There is also Adelaide showground which reminds me a lot of our Morobe and Goroka shows, although there is nothing similar. Again, maybe it’s just the word ‘showground’.

The very first photo I mentioned was taken at Glenelg beach. And I thought wow - this is the beauty of Adelaide, long white sandy beaches, cafeterias and lots of fun stuff to do.

But that view changed when I visited Granite Island (Victor Harbour). It is a haven. Just magnificent. Maybe as I continue to explore South Australia that will change because there’s Kangaroo Island I still have to visit, the Barossa valley- the home of Jacobs Creek wine (yay, pop some bottles), Port Augusta, Port Lincoln and a lot more other places.

It feels like it’s going to be HELLO from ADELE-aide forever. I already feel attached to this place. No goodbyes.


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Samantha Kusari

Nice to know Phil.
I was in Brisbane and I didn't like the noise and I like how you put it 'big country town charm' because I'm not a city person myself and that's what I like most about SA.
And yes, I noticed too that there are lot more elderly people here. I hope to explore SA more and I'll have to include Tumby Bay on my list.

Philip Fitzpatrick

I'm glad you are enjoying Adelaide Samantha.

My wife and I grew up in South Australia and lived in the Adelaide Hills for a long time. We spent about ten years in Hervey Bay in Queensland and while it was pleasant it became just too big and noisy so we moved back to South Australia and now live in Tumby Bay on Eyre Peninsula. We actually thought about living closer to Adelaide but the urban spread put us off.

Adelaide is pretty unique. Despite the efforts of successive state governments to 'develop' it the place retains its big country town charm. Young people leave to go to Sydney and Melbourne attracted by the fast-paced life there but they tend to gravitate back when they get older and wiser. It is a cultural hub par excellence and so are many of the larger towns in the state.

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