Radio Days: In the beginning
Major world upheaval – or pitstop?

Playing, praying & waiting for the virus


KUNDIAWA - Most villagers, especially in settlements around town, don't listen to the authorities and keep roaming around as normal.

Yesterday I saw people who live in the settlement at Hap-Wara, near the centre of Kundiawa town, gambling in groups despite orders to socially distance.

It’s the same with other groups at the Papuan compound, Banana Block and Malaria and almost every other settlement.

This is the case not only in Kundiawa, but in Mt Hagen, Goroka and other centres around the country. People refuse to go home and make gardens.

I told the police to disperse the gamblers but they didn't. Police are part of the problem.

There has to be another law in place: arrest those who don't obey orders and put them into prison with no bail.

Social and physical distance is not seen here. If coronavirus spreads to the highlands, people will be affected and die like rats without no one to bury them.

I also see that trying to ensure general awareness by going around in a convoy of vehicle does not work. Most villagers do not get the message.

There has to be specific awareness within specific communities if we are to be serious about coronavirus prevention.

I have heard Christians praying hard and with loudhailers at this time of coronavirus pandemic to stop the disease.

Some pray that it's the devil spreading the disease to destroy the Christians in this world.

Others pray that the Creator is testing our faith so we should pray strong. I see the need for prayer in the midst of secular humanism and spiritual bankruptcy but prayer without works has no effect.

Silent prayer, only listening to the inner voice of our Creator to seek His wisdom and His will for us is far wiser than praying in public and wanting others to know that you are a prayerful person.

If we are to interact with our Creator we should have proper moral and spiritual disposition before we pray. In prayer we surrender to God, freely allowing Him to take control of us because we are powerless over so many things.


PORT MORESBY - Even right now, at 3.34am, the lady next door has started praying.

She is singing now and resuming her prayers. I have observed that she has children and other people in her home but nobody else has been joining in the prayers with her.

But I guess she is consistently sticking to her faith and maybe wants members of her family to know that she has hope in a God when all else fails.

I think I will miss her prayers because I am booked to board one of the 'last flights' to Mt Hagen in about four hours’ time.

I was told at the Air Niugini office that all flights will be shut down from Sunday until 20 April.

When I am in Wabag I will know from there that this lady is still faithfully praying to her creator every morning, hoping all will be well again for PNG and the world.

I can hear her continue to pray “thank God and pray that people turn to Jesus in these hard times. And make it possible so the children can go back to school.”


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