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Abt to deploy Covid vaccine in PNG

| Abt Associates

ROCKVILLE, USA - Gavi, the global vaccine alliance, has awarded Abt Associates a contract to help roll out Covid-19 vaccines in up to 24 countries including Papua New Guinea.

The contract is part of a global strategy to reduce Covid-19 transmission and loss of life and prevent a protracted global health and humanitarian crisis.

Gavi is a leader of a coalition of organisations and governments which aim to ensure an equitable distribution of the vaccine worldwide.

“Abt can hit the ground running to support Gavi in deploying the vaccines,” said Eric J Reading, Abt’s vice president of international development.

“We have mechanisms in place across the globe to rapidly deploy experts in areas including planning, service delivery, training, logistics and other areas, using our strong relationships with health ministries in these countries.”

Some of the other countries where Abt will roll out the vaccine are Afghanistan, Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Madagascar, Malawi, Nepal, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.

“We are already providing significant technical assistance to strengthen health systems in many of these countries, including to strengthen the Covid-19 response,” Reading said.

“Our in-country staff and partners have the experience required to deliver the Gavi work,” he said.

Abt is working closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the USA in assessing vaccine effectiveness.


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