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On struggling with a Covid lockdown

Barbara Angoro
Barbara Angoro can't wait to return to the laboratory wherein lies the essence of her PhD

| Duresi’s Odyssey

AUCKLAND - Since New Zealand went into a Level 4 Covid lockdown 14 days ago, I’ve been trying my best not to think about its implications for my PhD studies.

For laboratory-based research, days away from the lab means a stall to experimental data generation.

I’m also mindful of my scholarship terms – by this time next year I should have submitted my thesis.

You can see why I’m doing my best to remain cheerful during this extended lockdown.

I understand why we needed to go into a fast lockdown – I am supportive of it. However, I still can’t help feeling a little down.

I have always tried to keep a positive outlook on life, no matter what.

But compared to the other lockdowns, I think I’m struggling with this one.

It’s not helping that I’ve got a stress-related condition that is currently medicated.

In all of this, the champion is my daughter. She has risen to be mama’s hero.

She reminds me that, no matter what, I will cross the finish line no matter how long it takes.

She keeps telling me that stress and anxiety are not going to help me.

It’s a blessing to have constant reminders for what I know I should do, but am not doing.

For those readers in lockdown, how are you faring? Any tips for staying positive?

My child and I have gone for walks around the block and play a bit of badminton.

However, the weather has been terrible since the end of last week, so no outdoor activities.

We’ve done some karaoke and racing car challenges (I’m no good but doing my best to learn).

Thank you to those people who go out of their way to check on us. We appreciate you all.

Keep safe wherever you are, and I hope you are taking care.

Barbara is a doctoral candidate in the School of Pharmacy at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences in the University of Auckland. She received a New Zealand Scholarship to fund her studies


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