We are one by blood
08 November 2021
I’m black, I’m white
We’re one by blood
Nothing separates how hard we try
I’ve same blood group as you
So we’re one forever
Dialects, circumstances, boundaries,
Standards, status don't matter here
Born same, die same, no difference
And we are one forever
See same sun; walk same earth
Breathe same air; sleep same sleep
So we are one by blood
Both feel pain, shed tears, lived life
Through life's blessings and curses
But still one by blood
Creator said, "Let’s make man in our image"
So He created both
With different pigments of his choice
Our Father is half black, half white
That's why we’re one by blood
And when end comes to its end
And we pass to another realm
We’ll be one
One by blood since creation
Dear Joseph,
Mogri kaite Marane (Very good Wantok)
Posted by: Bernard Corden | 13 November 2021 at 04:41 PM