A voter's observation of a corrupted election
Thoughts on the brutal death of a vagrant rat

Sweeping reform is not on Albanese’s agenda

We must harden up and put our collective shoulders to the wheel to make our country more economically resilient and self-reliant, as well as to repair our much neglected and grossly inadequate defence forces

Anthony Albanese (The West Australian)Anthony Albanese has taken over a country in which laissez faire capitalism has wrought its magic, enriching the few at the expense of the many (Caricature from The West Australian)


ADELAIDE - Australia's 'timid' government (Keith Jackson’s descriptor) has sniffed the wind and knows that, while Australians were intensely unhappy with the previous government, they were not necessarily going to buy into demands for thoroughgoing reforms of the current system.

In particular, a large majority of voters still fondly imagine that the serious problems now manifest in the health system, aged care, disability services, public transport and housing can be magically fixed without, if not an increase in taxation, at least the abandonment of the unjustified and inequitable tax cuts which passed into law before the recent election.

Well, I have news for my fellow citizens: the broader public services systems will remain broken unless and until we collectively accept that they have to be paid for through the combined impact of a reformed and much more equitable tax system and the abandonment of the many dodges and boondoggles that, for example, enable large corporations and the rich to avoid paying much if any tax.

Our days of wine and roses, such as they were, are now well over. Laissez faire capitalism has wrought its magic, enriching the few at the expense of the many.

This will be a surprise to no-one with any basic grasp of the history of how capitalism works if the market mechanism is allowed to utterly dominate how goods and services of all kinds are delivered without at least some constraint.

The world has changed, much for the worse in many important respects.

We must now harden up and put our collective shoulders to the wheel to make our country more economically resilient and self-reliant, as well as to repair our much neglected and grossly inadequate defence forces.

Normality, as it once was, will not be returning any time soon.

All this applies just as much to a Marape-led Papua New Guinea.

PNG, a country corruptly and incompetently governed, is ripe for the picking by an ambitious and unscrupulous great power.

The same may be said of other Pacific countries whose politicians fondly delude themselves that they can somehow 'manage' relationships with great powers to their advantage without consequence. They can't and won't be able to do this.

I appreciate that my views are likely to be perceived as those of a catastrophist and serial pessimist, but history tells me I am merely pointing to the blindingly obvious, at least to those with the will to see.

I would be hugely glad to be wrong, but fear I am much more likely to be right.


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Lindsay F Bond

Report comes of heartening initiative and surprisingly of an individual, not one elected to a democracy.
See: https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/how-twiggy-forrest-drove-first-humanitarian-grain-shipment-out-of-ukraine-20220817-p5bafl.html
If glib to say "who would have twigged it", it might be mulled that if donations from nations are as non responsive to humanitarian need, the ask is "who then?" Into the breech of human history is conjured by notion of "crime era", and forward steps a individual leading.

As to an individual or whole democracy creating a "more equitable tax system", is any intellectual investigation and scientific endeavour even approaching let alone rivaling the deliberate zeal and drive evidenced in systems such as capitalism and dictatorial-ism?

Upon that report of shipments from Ukraine so triggered, let there be sweeping response, not any grain missed.

Lindsay F Bond

Mores on pass
whom to ask?
Lift the slid
what-who did?
Pore delved facts?
Sleight reacts.
Was brain froze?
No one knows.
Blew sly clone,
news now shown.
Held too hose?
So stream goes.
coves repute?
Dilly gents
did less sense?
Wits repeat?
Flaws secrete.

See: https://inqld.com.au/opinion/2022/08/16/was-this-man-a-crazy-b-a-delusional-megalomaniac-or-c-just-a-very-loose-unit/

Lindsay F Bond

As like leaders seen long past
All low serfs wave not knowing
Australia's PM last
Adjusted rule and casting
Among six men topping mast
Arranged rule notwithstanding,
As now revealed to public gasps
Albo PM tasked discussing.

Not only capitalists have now a use for the word 'sweeping'.
See: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-08-15/scott-morrison-secretly-sworn-in-health-finance-resources/101333710

Bernard Corden

Albanese et al are treading on eggshells because they remember what happened to EG Whitlam and, as Paul Oates reminded us, they all know what is wrong but also want to ensure they are re-elected.

It will take many decades to turn around the neoliberal cruiseliner full of egregious gangster capitalists as it navigates the narrow and treacherous Straits of Dichotomy where productivity versus protection.

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