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Real change in PNG must start at the base

Corruption is suffocating economic growth

Corruption is a huge problem in PNG and has a huge economic cost. PNG is ranked by Transparency International as one of the most corrupt countries in the Asia-Pacific region

Eddie Tanago 2
"Research by Act Now! showed how just a one-point improvement in PNG’s corruption score could boost the economy by K10 billion a year or 14%, equivalent to over K1,200 for every woman, man and child in PNG" - Eddie Tanago

| Act Now!

PORT MORESBY - Effective action against corruption is essential for economic growth and it should be the number one priority for the new Marape government.

Recent findings by the National Research Institute has reaffirmed the importance of good governance and the rule of law in attracting new investment, increasing employment opportunities and boosting government revenues.

The findings reinforce earlier research published by Act Now! that showed how just a one-point improvement in PNG’s corruption score could boost the economy by K10 billion a year or 14%.

This would be equivalent to over K1,200 for every woman, man and child in PNG.

The new NRI findings are contained in a paper, Comparative Analysis of Governance and Economic Growth in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.

It discusses governance in the three countries based on indicators of political stability, rule of law, control of corruption and government effectiveness.

The paper highlights that governance plays an important role in providing an environment conducive to investment, human development, employment and economic growth.

Vanuatu was applauded for being the best performer in political stability and rule of law.

Fiji was best for control of corruption and government effectiveness.

The NRI recommended that PNG could achieve good governance by:

providing adequate funding to economic and political institutions

promoting secure and safe communities

strengthening the judiciary and law enforcement agencies to conduct their duties without fear or favour

providing effective governance institutions and tougher penalties against people who engage in corruption practices

improve effectiveness in service delivery and streamline responsibilities of the public sector and private sector

Act Now! has also published its own Policy Proposals for Open and Accountable Government which contain a comprehensive plan to improve governance and public oversight.

“Corruption is a huge problem in PNG and it has a huge economic cost,” said Act Now! campaign manager Eddie Tanago.

“PNG is ranked by Transparency International as one of the most corrupt countries in our region.

“If the measures recommended by NRI and Act Now! are adopted they will greatly improve PNG’s ranking.

“And just a one-point improvement, could be worth K10 billion, which is equal to a whopping 14% boost to PNG’s economy each year.”


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