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Kurai writing awards: A bit late but on track

| Ples Singsing

LAE – I have held off this message to Kurai Memorial Awards entrants for much too long, and I’m extremely apologetic to all the entrants.

The Ples Singsing team, which is entirely voluntary, has been preoccupied with the business of life - work and career, family, future, etcetera – making it difficult for us to pull through in our usual collective strength.

Nevertheless, we maintain our intentions to continue this endeavour - Ples Singsing em i sanap iet.

We have collated a little over 15 entries for the awards and will be judging and presenting them in March.

The biographies we’ve received are a good collection. I’ve read them all, hence I will not be judging, but will leave the evaluation to my fellow masterminds and associates of Ples Singsing.

These good people thankfully have more skill and understanding of the type of writing that goes into composing biographies.

An email has been sent to entrants and we hope that this public message encourages other writers to not lose faith in our endeavour despite the long delay in making progress on this one activity that we deliver for PNG writers.

We offer our sincere thanks to the current short biography story entrants and assure other writers that we will continue to strive in our efforts to promote and support PNG writers.


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Lindsay F Bond

Stellar, Michael, but perhaps out of the comfort zone for entrants and facilitators, venturing into their previously unknowns. All the best to all.

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