Hard lessons from the collapse of Golden Sun
23 March 2023
| Academia Nomad
PORT MORESBY - Golden Sun has now collapsed, leaving behind tens of thousands of Papua New Guineans heartbroken and maybe a good number broke.
What should Papua New Guineans learn from this?
Lesson 1 - Nothing is free
Used and abused so much, the phrase ‘nothing is free’ has become a cliché. Unless your parents are giving you money, nothing in this Covid-19 stricken world is free.
In Genesis, your God told men to “work the land”.
Your ancestors survived on pure hard work and sustained and preserved the genes you carry.
Don’t be the first to expect something for free.
Lesson 2 - Remember the history of scams
If you’re too young to remember U-Vistract, you should remember Aim Global.
Please never ever forget Golden Sun.
If you made the mistake of investing as a young 20-year old, you have another 60 years to go.
Remember it, and teach it to your children and grandchildren.
Lesson 3 - Accept criticism
Golden Sun investors have called us many names. They said that:
'Jealous nogat marasin (jealousy has no cure)'
'There are bigger things in this country we should be worried about rather than talk about Golden Sun'
'Provide alternative ways for the ‘simple people’ to make a living instead of criticising them for investing in Golden Sun'
'Do more research before you talk to us'
It was a long list and there was a lot more.
If only you took time to hear the critics you’d have avoided this mess.
Lesson 4 – Don’t endanger others
Never invite family and friends (or anybody for that matter) to join you.
Apart from the monetary loss, there is the trust you’ve lost from friends, colleagues and family.
This is especially so if you invited them to invest and, because they were new entrants, they didn’t get paid a cent.
Teach it to your children and grandchildren. This nonsense must not be repeated.
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