Recent Notes 9: Oz-USA troubled love-in
10 August 2023
The Australian government blusters in denying it, but the recent cosying (or is it toadying) up to a pugnacious USA is making our relationship with major trading partner China much more difficult. That seems to be a price we’re willing to pay (that’ll be tested when the payment is exacted). Furthermore, our decision to take sides and yield some of our sovereignty to Uncle Sam will also necessarily escalate pressure to conform on PNG and the Pacific Islands.
We’ve handed them a knotty problem, and we may not like the way they solve it if they link into the South-East Asian model of detached caution. So what is the price of taking sides? This piece from the Dealbook column in the New York Times reveals just how difficult business can get when two huge powers decide to take on each other and gather allies along the way, not in Australia’s case (we’re in Uncle Sam’s hip pocket) but through dollar persuasion or, if that doesn’t work, through threats.
This slice of life from PNG Attitude shows a count of the blog’s visitors between 7 and 8 pm last night, Wednesday, and the articles they were chasing. This automatically recorded hour reveals the constant pulse of the blog as people from around the world tune in throughout the day. In this particular hour, 53 separate searches landed, most of them – 46 – archaeological - the oldest search in this hour unearthing an article from May 2009 [‘Illegal Chinese workers enter PNG as riots continue’].
These lists have appeared every hour of every day over the last 17 years, and I guess they explain why I find it almost impossible to leave PNG Attitude behind. For many people (87% in this particular hour), the blog is a constant treasure trove of information. And I do feel a compulsion to maintain that. By the way, over the last seven days readership ranged as high as 1,700 a day, which I don’t consider too bad for a blog speaking from the crypt.
7:59 PM/2010/03/on-the-boss-the-social-structure-of-colonial-moresby
7:58 PM/2018/11/do-you-know-the-names-any-papua-new-guinean-national-kiaps
7:58 PM/2015/06/kiaps-australias-spurned-but-not-forgotten-nation-builders
7:57 PM/2015/06/reviving-traditional-tattooing-practice-in-pngs-central-province
7:55 PM/2009/05/illegal-chinese-workers-enter-png-as-riots-continue
7:55 PM/2020/04/the-airship-saga-that-never-happened
7:52 PM/2016/01/datagaliwabe-the-great-god-progenitor-of-the-hela-nation
7:51 PM/2023/08/recent-notes-8-9th-august-2023
7:50 PM/2015/08/the-legend-of-the-origin-of-the-bulolo-people
7:50 PM/2010/07/environment-act-amendment-denies-our-freedom
7:49 PM/2020/09/persistence-how-paul-kurai-became-a-tycoon
7:48 PM/2015/01/betel-nut-is-here-to-stay-so-heres-how-to-solve-the-problems
7:48 PM/2017/03/a-lot-of-expat-behaviour-in-png-leaves-a-lot-to-be-desired
7:46 PM/2018/12/mountain-myths-from-papua-new-guinea
7:45 PM/2023/08/recent-notes-5-7th-august-2023
7:44 PM/2023/08/recent-notes-8-9th-august-2023
7:44 PM/2023/08/index
7:41 PM/2023/08/recent-notes-8-9th-august-2023
7:38 PM/2014/08/national-book-week-in-simbu-write-your-way-into-the-world
7:37 PM/2023/08/recent-notes-8-9th-august-2023
7:36 PM/2015/10/development-colonialism-in-modern-papua-new-guinea
7:36 PM/2018/12/the-most-venomous-snakes-in-papua-new-guinea
7:35 PM/2015/10/development-colonialism-in-modern-papua-new-guinea
7:35 PM/2023/08/recent-notes-8-9th-august-2023
7:33 PM/2016/11/with-an-all-encompassing-agenda-this-is-a-voice-we-should-listen-to
7:33 PM/a-kiaps-chronicle
7:33 PM/2014/09/from-the-kundiawa-news-50-years-ago-in-the-territory
7:32 PM/2015/11/has-png-become-the-zimbabwe-of-the-south-pacific
7:32 PM/2014/03/paliau-maloat-how-one-man-changed-manus-forever
7:30 PM/2022/12/friends-to-all-enemies-to-everybody
7:28 PM/2021/05/bride-price-exploitation-abuse-harm
7:27 PM/2011/02/nbc-challenges-as-kapera-moves-into-top-gear
7:27 PM/a-kiaps-chronicle
7:27 PM/2018/12/mountain-myths-from-papua-new-guinea
7:26 PM/2018/12/mountain-myths-from-papua-new-guinea
7:23 PM/2014/07/the-1991-bougainville-unilateral-declaration-of-independence
7:22 PM/2022/04/remembering-the-remarkable-john-guise
7:20 PM/2011/07/anthropologists-anthropologists
7:18 PM/2012/12/christians-say-a-law-against-polygamy-is-urgent
7:18 PM/2016/12/16-powerful-inspirational-papua-new-guinea-women
7:17 PM/2019/01/pig-kill-the-early-religion-of-the-chimbu-people-1
7:15 PM/2019/11/is-gordons-a-turning-point-for-png-markets
7:14 PM/2018/10/distribute-the-tax-burden-fairly-among-formal-informal-sectors
7:14 PM/2021/07/a-brief-history-of-png-literature-part-1
7:12 PM/2018/10/45-years-of-exploring-the-caves-of-the-nakanai-mountains
7:11 PM/2022/07/a-true-bikman-memories-of-sir-jacob-luke
7:10 PM/2017/12/10-years-in-the-morgue-jk-kanaka-jack-murray-nation-builder
7:09 PM/2017/05/ating-yu-pilim-swit
7:08 PM/2017/12/10-years-in-the-morgue-jk-kanaka-jack-murray-nation-builder
7:07 PM/2018/10/45-years-of-exploring-the-caves-of-the-nakanai-mountains
7:06 PM/2012/07/the-fascinating-history-of-tok-pisin-hiri-motu
7:06 PM/2015/07/i-will-fear-no-evil-for-thou-art-with-me-part-one-1943
7:01 PM/2023/08/recent-notes-8-9th-august-2023
In the northern hemisphere, summer has brought increased Covid hospitalisations and a new variant has hit the leader board in the Melbourne Cup field of viruses competing for your indulgence. The strain is officially designated EG.5, or ‘Eris’ if you’re an amateur Covid watcher, and so far accounts for 17% of US cases (up 5% in a week) and 10% in the UK.
EG.5 is a descendant of the XBB strains of the Omicron family that have dominated recent months and carries an extra spike mutation allowing it to infiltrate human cells. But there's no indication it’s more contagious or severe. The US Centres for disease Control says current vaccines protect against the variant. Ingrid and I are having our sixth vaccine shot and fourth booster next week.
Brisbane-based infectious disease physician and clinical microbiologist, Associate Professor Paul Griffin says Erin has likely made its way to Australia but hasn’t yet been officially identified due to the limited testing being done. Yeah, sounds right. Check here with Medscape for more information and sources.
re: Oz-USA love-in poses problems for PNG
The following link provides access to some interesting information:
Posted by: Bernard Corden | 15 August 2023 at 07:44 AM
Thanks Keith. Not sure why the link I provided didn't work. Maybe if people go to the homepage at: and then navigate to the papers tab, there's lots of other interesting stuff on the website.
Barry Craig would be chuffed if PNG readers got to read some of the collection of papers. Especially Sepik, Western and New Ireland people.
Might be a good way for readers to share information without too much inconvenience to you.
Recent Notes is an innovative way to lessen the stress of not having coffee with a morning PNG Attitude perusal.
Posted by: Philip Fitzpatrick | 10 August 2023 at 03:48 PM
You may have hit on a way to eventually be heard from the grave with your 'Traffic Report', Keith - bit like writing a book.
Can I try an experiment and see if you get any responses to this link?
I gave it a go, Phil, and got nothing sensible from the link you posted. But when I slightly abbreviated it to the main body of the link itself, without embellishment....">">
....Bingo! Happy for other folks to have a go - KJ
Posted by: Philip Fitzpatrick | 10 August 2023 at 01:26 PM