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The love that love made for me


Catch a glimpse of you in the rear view mirror
Your hazel eyes sparkling with happiness
Sets my heart on fire each time
Everything is becoming clearer
My longing for you grows stronger
You are the love that love made for me

Hear you call and laugh freely
Your sweet voice is my weakness
A jar of honey with all its goodness
My heart constantly yearns for you
You are the melody that elevates
You are the love that love made for me

The warmth of your breath upon my face
Your soft as velvet touch upon my skin
Cuddles of comfort on my bad days
My heart chose you as its companion
Forever may our hearts beat as one
You are the love that love made for me

Your charm radiates a trusting aura
Your gaze is straight and unflawed
You’re my sunshine when I’m feeling blue
I’m stuck on you with indestructible glue
You are the love that love made for me

Perfumed by Jiwaka’s aromatic flowers
Powerful as Goroka’s robust coffee
Charisma embracing and irresistible
Your fidelity and constancy awesome
You are the love that love made for me

I’m astonished by your brilliant mind
Your welcoming personality one of a kind
You are more than everything I could ask for
I understand now why the others all failed
You were the one that love made for me


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AG Satori

Brilliant, another gem from Stephanie. Some pawa sentiments but hey, Stephanie, your advice for the love bird to take that with a pinch of salt - Goroka salt, that is.

Na ol Koloka pekim na tok lukaut! - lo si'sing leva puluk plo bel plo ju.

Eghe!! Koloka Moho napa ma! Eghe!!

Ju lak tok wonem ja!
Apo, nais wan ja,
Ju kalaki Oh!
Ju laik pulukim mauten - koh lo we,
Koh lo siwaka, mona ja, lusim!
Ju painim haus – ah?
Siwaka wel palaua peles,
Fli kantli ol kolim.
Marit andab lo marit andab lo marit
Em ja, pel plo ju bai puluk
Tumolo - tumolo tasol ja!

Apo, nais wan ja.
Ju kalaki pinis.
Ju painim haus oh, mona, lusim!
Meli koloka, ol sa maus pas ja
Ol siwaka wel palaua kantri
Fili kantili ol kolim.
Sikaut plo ol, wa’pla
Sikaut plo ol, tu’pla
Sikaut plo ol, tri’pla
Meli Koloka, sikin kalas pai sanap.
Meli Koloka, maus plo ju pai pas
Bai yu holi pel na kalai, kalai.

Apo nais wan ja
Ju kalaki na kalaki tulu tulu pinis.
Apo, mona, ju les lo simel tais kopi.
Tais wara lo Asalo, ron yjet,
Kepamo tilip sore lo ol kunai klas.
Sokosoi kalarim kopi sta
Mena Mena ron apanigaseh yjet.
Ol het plo pipit sikaut -we-ho we-ho ista'.
Yu pai tikim na pel plo ju ja pai tilip sorre, nais wan ja.

Apo, nais wan ja.
Taim ju holim bel na kalai kalai.
Pai ju painim palata na papa mama,
Mauten pulukim na husat pai sahnaa' paksait?
Sorre, nais wan ya, sorreh O!
Pai ju tikim waitpla kilaun tais blo Asalo.
Pai ju tikim kepamo ston blo ju.
Pai ju tikim kopi lo sokosoi blo ju.
Na em ja, mena mena sta sitolong yjet,
Ju pai save olse wala ino puluk lausim ol igo.
Apo, nais wan ja.
Noken kalaki, nau yjet nau yjet.
Apo, nais wan ja, senisim het,
Luluk lo lek plo ju,
Hausmahn ol koloka tu sa gat,
ol koloka tu sa' lo' si'sing lo pulukim leva plo ju, - igat.

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