Oz & PNG people diverged 47,000 years ago
Honouring the life of Sir Hubert Murray

About quality coffee & struggling authors


Mathias & Ingrid
Mathias Kin and Ingrid Jackson travelling in Simbu's misty mountains. It's 2017 and PNG's second literary revival is in full blossom. But with the death of the remarkable literary leader, Francis Nii, in 2019, the revival stalled

KUNDIAWA - My brother is into coffee. Well everybody in Simbu grows the crop.

But my brother goes further to produce quality ground coffee in the village.

This is as organic as you can get.

He mostly sells this locally in and around the village as well as among his friends in Kundiawa town.

The result of this is that he now has a growing range of customers – quite a fan base.

I’m wondering if there is anybody known to reader who could get into business with him at a micro level - say less than 500 kg a month of good, well ground organic coffee.

Sapos sampla manmeri igat laik, plis tok save ikam tasol.

If people could help here, I’d be pleased if they let me now through this blog.

Mathias Kin & Francis with disabled athletes at Kundiawa Hospital
Mathias Kin & Francis Nii at Kundiawa Hospital with disabled athletes who had come to visit Francis

Home-grown literature staggers and writers struggle

There are still little pockets of writers in Papua New Guinea who are working on their books. Now and again I get the odd manuscript to edit.

Alphonse Huvi, who is now in West New Britain, recently sent me a book to edit - and write the foreword.

Alphonse is setting up a cultural centre built of bush materials at Ewasse.

She will use that as a base for herself and other local writers.

Arnold Mundua and I are getting on in years and promoting PNG literature has slowed, like us.

The momentum of national literature has slowed, especially since the death of Francis Nii.

At a local level both Francis and Philip Kai Morre were giants.

There has been a bit of a low after the productive period of the Simbu Writers Association.

Arnold is nearly retired and we were just talking about retiring back to the village.

But our conversation turned to books and writing.

So now we're talking about how we can revive the SWA. We will keep you informed.


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