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Needed: ASOPA people from back then


ASOPA students circa 1960
ASOPA students circa 1960 (National Archives of Australia)

SYDNEY - Alexandra Frost is a higher degree research student at the University of Sydney, investigating the student experience, education and training at the Australian School of Pacific Administration (ASOPA).

As part of her research, Alexandra is conducting a survey of people who attended, taught or worked at ASOPA during its 27-year lifetime from 1946 to 1973.

“Taking part in this study will involve answering a short online questionnaire, in which you can choose to be identifiable or remain anonymous,” she writes.

“We are seeking individuals who were students, educators or administrators at ASOPA from 1946 to 1973.”

Link here to the online questionnaire if you want to participate in the study.

The questionnaire also asks you to indicate if you are interested in being interviewed for a follow-up oral history project.

As an alternative to the online questionnaire, you also have an option to participate in the questionnaire over the phone.

If you require further information on the ASOPA research study or oral history project, you can email Alexandra here.

The study has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Sydney


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