Exchanges not of ire: What old men do
27 November 2024
| November 2024
From Patrick (Big Pat) Levo, biknem raita, PNG Post-Courier
Dearest King Kit Esquire,
Venerable mountaineer, lost in paradise, pig squealer and pork chopper.
We are looking for this fair young man, who once ranched at our rubber farm,
(Our last bag of elastic for the condom factory is missing.)
Response from Keith Jackson, lapun raita, PNG Attitude
Tenkyu tru BP. Piksa i naispela moa.
Tasol husat mangki istap antap Daulo laka.
Wetpela siot, wetpela trausis, wetpela sokis (pulamap gut), wetpela sikin tu.
Ating dispelai wetman asde ikam long PNG i ken skulim ol pikinini na dringim SP (grin o braun ino wari).
Dispela man nau i no yangpela. Emi lapun pinis. Tasol wetpela gras i stap iet long het.
Oh, na dring tu igohet. Dring marasin.
| December 2018
Greeting from Patrick Levo
Greetings oh merry ones,
may the angelic harp of Saint John's harpoon you,
with thy faithful tunes of Christmas by the fyfe,
that you may be merry and blessed,
as you feast on pork & boroma,
you teller of feisty legends,
roam on wild and unfettered.
(Sgd) Your Dear Friend in the River
Response from Keith Jackson
Greetings oh lost and begotten comrade
Who ditched high class living for the swamps
Now do you yearn for what was left behind?
A small bribe to plant a story benign… on page 9
A free feed for a minister’s pic (girlfriend absent)
A trip to Australia for a conference meaning nothing
But no, you are not a man of disrepute
You are a spirit of high thought and passion
A man of the clan who understands your kind
Who can see a place that is better than you know
Who espies the flaws like a dog espies fleas
A true man of his people, not a man of cardboard
Love It!
Tru antap
taunbilo 2ya Laka!
Hi Slim - Always good to get your regular two-yearly contribution. You're still in fine form - KJ
Posted by: Slim Kaikai | 28 November 2024 at 07:18 PM